Definitions of Common Terms

If you’re wondering what some of our common terms mean, this is the page for you!

  1. Working Group (WG)
    • Smaller team focusing on a specific issue (e.g., Electoral WG, Mutual Aid WG).
  2. Steering Committee (SC)
    • Elected group overseeing the chapter’s overall direction.
  3. Bylaws
    • Official rules guiding chapter operations (currently in draft form for NWA DSA).
  4. Motion / Resolution
    • Motion: A formal proposal to take a specific action.
    • Resolution: A broader statement of chapter policy or principle.
  5. Stack / Progressive Stack
    • Stack: The queue of members waiting to speak.
    • Progressive Stack: Prioritizing voices from marginalized groups.
  6. Consensus
    • A decision-making approach seeking widespread agreement (alternatively, majority or supermajority votes may be used).
  7. Comrade
    • A friendly term of address in socialist spaces, indicating solidarity.
  8. Direct Action
    • Protests, demonstrations, strikes—actions taken collectively to achieve change without relying solely on lobbying or elections.
  9. Political Education (PolEd)
    • Workshops, reading groups, and discussions to deepen understanding of socialist theory and practice.
  10. Mutual Aid
    • Organizing resources and support within the community based on solidarity principles.

Quick Primer on Robert’s Rules

  • Agenda: Lists topics for the meeting.
  • Motions/Amendments: How actions or changes are proposed.
  • Voting: Usually by voice or show of hands; majority rules unless otherwise stated in bylaws.
  • Points of Order: Used when procedures aren’t being followed.
  • Facilitator/Chair: Keeps the meeting running smoothly and fairly.

For info on the steering committee, go to the steering committee page